
Here are a few ways you can support the Leading Edge Aviation Foundation.

Please contact Gerald Gaige at 870-656-6005 or email to [email protected]

  • Cash or Check
  • Amazon Smile – Whenever you make a purchase through Smile, they automatically donate 0.5 % of the purchase to the 501(c)3 corporation of your choice! Please consider making this Foundation your selection. It costs you nothing extra.
  • Donating property such as an airplane, land, boat, car.
  • Contributing stock, IRA Rollover.
  • Naming the Leading Edge Aviation Foundation as a beneficiary in a will or trust.
  • Transferring a small sum each month into our 501(C)(3) account.

Donors contributing $10,000 or more can name the scholarship fund. This is a wonderful way to build a family legacy or to honor someone.